Friday, February 28, 2020

Evaluation of factors determining the setting of wages for British Essay

Evaluation of factors determining the setting of wages for British expatriates - Essay Example Human resources can be termed as a critical concern to all managers. It is a crucial resource that exploits all the other resources to produce the desired result in the organization. Thus, the accurate placement of employees is a key element of any organization, which makes the firm to have a competitive edge. The application of the human resource function in multinational companies becomes controversial due to the need to formulate human resource guidelines and structures. The dissimilarity among the nations where branch is located complicates the process of hiring both local and expatriate employees (Baruch 2002, p. 239). This paper will discuss the factors that a human resource director should consider while setting wages for local and expatriate employees working in a multinational corporation. Evaluation of factors to be considered in setting the wages for British expatriate managers and engineers Many Multinational Companies desire to send their current employees to work in a d ifferent nation for a number of factors. First, the citizens in the new nation may not have the knowledge and expertise required in the job. In addition, the expatriate, being a present employee of the organization, has vast skills of the company for organizing all the company’s businesses in the new branch with the mother company (Thite 2009, p. 269). Thirdly, it helps offer the supervisors and senior management with the image needed to be a key decision maker in this global economy. As a human resource director, determining the wages to be paid to expatriates is not an easy task as it incorporates many factors to be considered (Baruch (2002, p. 240). As Caligiuri (2007, p. 294) notes, the calculation of the wages of any expatriate need a careful thought of many factors before one arrives at a wage structure that incorporates all factors. As the human resource of this British Multinational, I will distinguish between the internal and external influences of these wage determi nation strategies. The internal determinants include the rank of employee in the organization, the stage of the family development and the labour category of the employee. Regarding the first factor, I will develop expatriates wages with regard to their ranks in the organization. For instance, I would set different wages for senior managers, middle-level managers and supervisors. Secondly, I would develop a good strategy to categorise wages based on the marital status of the expatriate. I would also consider the nationality of the employee in developing different remuneration structures. The background of the expatriate will also be a significant factor in setting the wages; it would help me come up with the appropriate wage structures. I would highly insist that the young and new expatriates be remunerated like employees of the host country. The highly skilled and experienced expatriates can be remunerated with add-ons, adjustments and incentives, as well as bonuses to their wages. The characteristics of the work assigned can also be the foundation for the wage setting. On this regard, those given complex tasks should earn higher wages than those whose duties are not complex (Friedman 2009, p. 252). The social factors are also remarkable in influencing the wages to be paid to expatriates; these include the society and present discussion structures, for instance, state or industry-broad, local or company. The latter can often tremendously affect the degree of pay diversity and distinct kinds of remuneration and appraisal are satisfactory. Regarding expatriate remuneration, the origin of the company is not likely to have an impact on the wage calculation (Van Der Heijden, 2009 p. 831). Globalization makes

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ethical issues surrounding single women using sperm banks to become Research Paper

Ethical issues surrounding single women using sperm banks to become pregnant - Research Paper Example Approximately around eighty thousand such procedures are carried out annually and result in the birth of nearly thirty thousand babies. Moreover, by the 1990s, artificial insemination grew to become a $164 million industry and constituted 11,000 private physicians, 400 sperm banks and about 250 fertility centers (Gaines 1990). Sperm bank collects and stores up sperms from the sperm donors. Sperm donors are first examined for their medical health and then they can donate by way of masturbation. Sperms are then injected into the women’s uterus under the supervision of a qualified doctor or are used to produce an embryo using IVF or other reproductive techniques. (Balen, 2002) Many laws say that if the child is born using the sperms of the woman’s husband then he/she is the legal child of the husband. But laws regarding the child born through the sperms from a third party donor are not clear. Some believe that the child is supposed to be a lawful child of the mother and he r husband but few also presume the child to be illegitimate. Ethical issues associated with this process are looked upon and highlighted by many medical institutions and also nongovernmental organizations and lawmaking departments. This process raises many legal, medical and social concerns. However there are many positive features associated to using this technique as well. Both sides of the situation should be addressed in order to understand the concept better. Artificial insemination is wrongly assumed to be just targeted for infertile pairs. Whereas, it also serves as a platform for individual women who wish to enjoy the blessings of being a parent. This means that this procedure has become relatively popular among lesbian couples who wish to start a family for themselves. However they haven’t gathered support by diverse ethnicities and this further improvisation in their relationships tends to raise a new question and obstacle in their lives which in turn points many fi ngers on single parenthood.   The women interested in becoming a single parent see bright new horizons as the success rate of conceiving artificially is relatively higher than the failure rates. There are two types of artificial insemination, which includes intra-cervical insemination and intra-uterine insemination. These methods are ought to be less incursive as compared to other procedures on artificial fertilization. But since these methods of artificial insemination are largely unstructured or less regulated, they raise a significant amount of health and moral issues. (Araoye, 2003) This process raises moral issues related to the rights of individuals regarding the conditions of their birth. The identity of the donors and recipients are kept confidential. Parents also tend to hide from children about their identity. People who accidently get to know that they were conceived through artificial insemination often undergo agony and distress. That is way it is immoral to hide a pe rson’s birthright from him. Many doctors even do not keep records of the donors’ identity and their medical history because of which they are unable to trace information. Severe health issues also revolve around this artificial method of conception. Diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis risk the lives of the women and also the child that is supposes to be born with this method. Although it is important to have a complete medical checkup